Below is the rationale for updating the FAOR By-Laws.  You can vote on this via Absentee ballots (when available) or at the Annual Membership & Election on October 8th.

Article XI – Officer and Directors
Section 3. Board of Directors Appendix (d)

Rational for changes:

Currently our By-Laws require at least one Director from each County to sit on the Board. The By-Laws state the Officers (President, President-Elect/VP, Secretary/Treasurer, and Past President) do not count as a Director from their County. This change will allow the President-Elect/VP, Secretary/Treasurer and Past President to be counted as a Director from their county and therefore may vote and ultimately serve in their capacity as a Director. Only the President cannot vote, other than breaking a tie vote. Another benefit is we will no longer have to appoint a Director from an Officers County. Under the current rule, we have had to appoint someone to a Director Seat, depending on who is elected to become the next Secretary/Treasurer. The original intent was to make sure all but the President has a vote.


Section 3. Board of Directors.

(a) The governing body of the Board shall be a Board of Directors consisting of 3 or 4 elected officers depending on whether the Secretary and Treasurer position, the immediate pastpresident of the Board, and eight (8) elected REALTOR® members. The Affiliate Member who has been elected from within the Affiliate Committee to be chairperson shall serve as director during their term.

(b) The Board must be the primary board of each candidate seeking election as either an Officer or Director. Each candidate seeking election as either an Officer or Director must have a minimum one (1) year of experience as a licensed REALTOR®. (August 2014)

(c) Directors shall be elected to serve for terms of three years, except that at organization, one- third of the elected Directors shall be elected for terms of one, two, and three years, respectively, or for lesser terms as may be necessary to complete the first fiscal year. Thereafter, as many Director seats need to be filled during the same election cycle, the Directors may assign accordingly by the election at the meeting. (October 2014)

(d) At all times, there shall be at least one (1) Director on the Board of Directors from each of the counties within the territorial jurisdiction of the Board. The Officer positions President Position shall not serve to satisfy this requirement. In the event that any of the counties within the territorial jurisdiction of the Board have less than one (1) Director from the county, the Board of Directors shall appoint a Director for a one-year term from that county or counties, as necessary. Location of the appointee’s primary office at the time of appointment will determine the county that the individual is eligible to represent. (October 2014)

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