


This committee prepares and recommends to the Board of Directors an annual operation budget for the Association and its Multiple Listing Service. The annual budget shall be submitted to the Board of Directors at the October meeting. The committee meets once each quarter to review actual income and expenses and recommends to the Board of Directors whether or not the MLS dues and other fees should be increased or remain as budgeted.


This committee reviews, and re-writes as specified articles or sections of the By-Laws when directed to do so by the Board of Directors, they are then submitted to the general membership for approval. 


This committee evaluates the current education needs of the membership and encourages and seeks communication on subject matters that would be of interest to the majority of members. The committee also works towards sponsoring combined seminars with other local associations to expand the quality of speakers at minimal expense. It is also charged with providing a minimum of 45 hours of DRE accredited continuing education, including Agency and Ethics, in a four year period.


The mission of this committee is to design, promote and implement the Association's programs in areas of minority outreach, fair housing, affirmative marketing, fair lending practices and cultural awareness. The committee also monitors and evaluates legislative, legal and regulatory trends on issues related to equal access to shelter for all individuals.


This committee determines whether or not a complaint, assuming that the facts alleged are true, should be forwarded to the Professional Standards Committee for hearing. If the activity on which the complaint is based runs afoul of the Code of Ethics, the matter is automatically forwarded for hearing. the committee is responsible for ensuring that the proper Articles of the Code of Ethics are cited in the complaint. If the committee rules that the complaint should be amended to cite the proper articles, the complainant must be given opportunity to amend the complaint. Should the complainant not agree with the committee's decision, a determination must be whether to amend the complaint with the Grievance Committee then named as the complainant. The committee is obligated to exercise caution in carrying out an investigation.The committee's task does not include gathering evidence of proving or disproving the complaint.


This committee monitors Federal, state and local legislative and regulatory actions and trends, and interprets for member REALTORS and the general public, their impact on the real estate industry and property ownership. The committee recommends approaches to influence the course and form of legal legislation and works with the Association's Board of Directors in the formation of Association policyand implementation of state and local mandated legislation.