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As part of your membership in The Firelands Association of REALTORS® all members are required to have an ethics class certificate on file with your local board by December 31, 2016.
This requirement includes all Appraiser Members.
REALTORS® are required to complete ethics training of not less than 2 hours, 30 minutes of instructional time within four-year cycles. The training must meet specific learning objectives and criteria established by the National Association of REALTORS®. The current four-year cycle will end Dec. 31, 2016.
With less than a year left for REALTORS® to complete their mandatory Code of Ethics training, NAR is promoting the training resources available on realtor.org to assist members in fulfilling this requirement. There are two online ethics training courses available on Realtor.org. Each course meets the specific criteria and learning objectives required for either new REALTORS® or existing REALTORS®. To find out more information and learn about available ethics training resources, go to http://www.REALTOR.org/COEtraining.
Click on the link provided below to find a draft version of the changes to be made to the existing by-laws. All changes are highlighted in redline form. These changes are being submitted to the membership by the Directors for approval at the Annual Membership Meeting on Tuesday, October 11, 2016. Should you have any questions before that time, do not hesitate to contact the Board Office. A sample ballot with the for approval or rejection of each related change and an explanation for the changes will be forthcoming between now and the meeting date.
Good afternoon fellow Association Executives,
I realize most of you attended the recent OAR Directors meeting at the end of our Annual Convention last week, but I know there were a few not in attendance. I want to inform those who were not in attendance that the Directors voted to create a Political Advocacy Fund (PAF). The funding mechanism for the PAF is a $25 member dues assessment for a five-year period beginning in 2017. The dues assessment is not pro-ratable.
The Political Advocacy Fund will be utilized by OAR and Local Boards/Associations to support political and issue advocacy campaigns. It will provide the necessary funding to expand our involvement at the State House and City Halls across Ohio. This fund will complement and enhance our existing RPAC program, creating a solid foundation for long-term relevance in ensuring that private property rights are protected.
I and the OAR leadership team appreciate the support of the OAR Local Boards/Associations to make this truly significant initiative a reality.
Robert E. Fletcher, CEO
Ohio Association of REALTORS
(614) 225-6220